' YouTube; The Gnostic WorldView '
' Live Your Truth. Do Not Seek, or Do Not Take Advantage of Each Other; Always Seek Mutual Consent with One Another ... ' ' True Goodwill, Good Karma; by and of itself is intrinsically Good ... '
The Future; Monarchs manage it; Sons of G-D Create it.
The union of a Soul with Spirit, in a Form ( flesh ); produces Consciousness ' The Son aspect '. ..." The Pleroma Most High Father IS Love "... " The Pleroma Most High Father Loves All Equally "...
The Prime Universal Law is very simple: |
Spirits are androgynous intelligent energy that dwells in the visible and nonvisible parts of the Multiverse.
Spirits can and do manifest themselves to Us and must be regarded, first of all, as;
"Masculine and Feminine" Principle.
" Feminine Principle " is a Nurturing-Preserving Force, and the " Masculine Principle " is a Creative Force;
the Feminine Principle works the same way within the Father and the Son.
"... The culmination of the vision, the via imitationis or way of assimilation, transcends philosophy for mysticism or ecstasy. Since it involves contemplative imitation of the virtues of which the divine is the source, and since his only virtue is oneness, aloneness, tranquillity and absolute goodness, the via imitationis is the ascetic way, a purgative stripping away of all powers of soul and intellect a self-concentration into pure solitariness where no object of knowledge exists outside the knower. At this point, to know is not to know ..." ~John D. Turner, PhD
" My Spiritual Bridal Chamber Enlightenment " ... a Sacred marriage ( Hieros Gamos ); a prerequisite to Soul Ascension ... ![]() I love all spirits; Because of the good works; I believe that "The Middle" spirits ( Souls ); at the end of times, ultimately will be offered a unique re-constructive process and acquire a Divine status of
" Enlightenment is a destructive process.
It seems that all spirits do like to manifest themselves. Clearly representing themselves in the likeness of Decans and Zodiac spirits, but this time word for word; as described in Interestingly, all of "My Mystical Spiritual
In summary: With utmost of certainty; those years long, seemingly take over like attempts on my mind by the-Archons, or perhaps, see Consciousness and Cellular Level Body Changes; MUST happen in The "Bridal-Chamber". It is a prerequisite. It is a diminishing repetitive process. On all of its levels, it starts with extremely strong energies. Then progressively, with every attempt after attempt, it gets weaker. It is like this seemingly takeover energy nullifies itself and wears out. Obviously, all of it was done for the purpose of my soul's spiritual advancement. It seems, to that purpose I came to existence. I was used only as a messenger, delivering that spiritual message. So I would say, " Live Your Truth. Do Not Seek, or Do Not Take Advantage of Anyone; Always Seek Mutual Consent with Everyone ". On "The Feminine Principle": I was slowly freed from this spiritual hold of archons. It was not easy. As previously described, 32 micro and 10 macro levels of spiritual energy tried to take hold of me many times. My strong free will, with the help from my Soul, and the Spirit located within my Soul/Atman, brought it to an end. So, what is a "Spiritual Bridal Chamber ". It is an attempt by the spirit world to take over the catechumen mind and use it to control other people; according to the spirit world's wishes and desires. The catechumen must survive this; in my case, painful but spiritually rich enlightenment. The catechumen must overcome the spirit world any forceful attempts to take over his/hers mind. And using this enlightenment, advise other people about how to live their lives on this earth plain; " Live Your Truth. Do Not Seek, or Do Not Take Advantage of Each Other; In reality, I cannot reveal everything that did happen during this My Bridal-Chamber spiritual enlightenment. If I did, it could create more chaos as well. Therefore I leave it as it is. Sublimely Divine Intuitive Wisdom of The Holy Ghost, " The Feminine-Principle " MUST take over the power from the brute force of the " Lower Psychism " " Masculine-Principle " which IS confined to matter, imposed on Us, the homos sapiens; by any establishment accepting the ancient Babylonian power grub energy into its systems and operations. Our Souls have free will, just as we have it. Forcefully sending massive numbers of Souls back home is very dangerous. Suppose the Souls start refusing to incarnate on our earth. Therefore, stop importing good, loving energy to this planet Earth; this Earth will become animal-like, dog-eat-dog, beastie, barren, bleak, and lifeless. A loving Soul consciousness would vanish from this earth. While despite that, The Oneness rules the spirit world. The lobbyists in many governments are working towards the same goal; of one religion, one power hungry government, having as a long term agenda, contrary to " genuine goodwill " without a doubt, influenced by this 6 min. past midnight spirit, which, whenever possible, manifested itself to me for 16 years, precisely at the same time, see negative dark energy affecting our subconscious, Time-Line, managing our world affairs. So the humanity can live; as the Adi Da Samraj said: All Souls, Spirits in entire Multiverse are equal. There is no so called higher or lower " I ". Each of said Souls and Spirits performs a function according to; Local Consciousness, Local Potentialities, and Local Possibilities. That way, we all are as One. Therefore, think for yourself and do not quickly accept ideas. " I pray; so that ' The Spirit of The Pleroma Most High Father ' protect Your Soul Forever ... " bogumit |
Mme. Blavatsky:
The origin of all religions — Judaeo-Christianity included — is to be found in a few primeval truths, not one of which can be explained apart from all the others, as each is a complement of the rest in some one detail. And they are all, more or less, broken rays of the same Sun of truth, and their beginnings have to be sought in the archaic records of the Wisdom-religion. Without the light of the latter, the greatest scholars can see but the skeletons thereof covered with masks of fancy, and based mostly on personified Zodiacal signs.
The Blessed Virgin Mary, as a portrayal of The Divine Feminine; must be recognized in dogma of the Church, as a Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix participating in the works of Jesus Christ.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
... The true prophet has no need for sanctimoniousness. We call it exactly as we see it, and if the language offends, we have absolutely no care, because it is not the prophet's duty to please people but to inform them of what they can expect when they continue to act as ever
they have acted for thousands of years.
And, it is a greater one who is not afraid to be ribald, than one who pretends to be holy. And that is the measure of the False Prophet, for the False Prophet is one who knows not how to laugh, to be all people to all people, and has no respect for the truly serious and solemn and the sublime, yet pretends to be serious when it comes time to reprimanding everybody else, calling them all sinners, while he sins in his closet, and takes himself so seriously that one exposes too many
eventually unmasks him and takes him out.
To be a Son of God, one must come down to the level of the Sons of Men and find them fair
(fair game for pranks in some, but not all, cases.)
(and not only the Daughters of Men, are to be sought, either.) ...
~~~Count Welldone. Past Regent of the Ordre des Illumines Veritas.